;;; fflin.asm FreeForth kernel, Linux specific port ;;; $Id: fflin.asm,v 1.3 2006-12-12 01:33:56 lavarenn Exp $ ;;; ------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Typical compile command (with http://flatassembler.net): ;;; if ffdl ; i.e. with dynamic-link-library support ;;; fasm fflin.asm ff.o ;;; gcc ff.o -o ff -s -rdynamic -nostartfiles -ldl ;;; # or: ld -o ff ff.o -ldl --dynamic-linker /lib/ld-linux.so.2 -s ;;; else ;;; fasm fflin.asm ff ;;; end if ;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; OSFORMAT specifies the Operating-System specific executable file format macro OSFORMAT { ffdl=1 ; withDynamicLinkLibrary support; commented=without if defined ffdl format elf section '.flat' writeable executable public _start else format elf executable ; no extrn with this format entry _start end if } ;;; ----------------------------------------------------- ;;; OSINCLUDE defines OS-specific ASM source to "include" macro OSINCLUDE { include "fflinio.asm" } ;;; ----------------------------------------------------- ;;; OSFILE defines OS-specific FF source to "file" macro OSFILE { file "fflin.boot" } ;;; ----------------------------------------------------- ;;; all macros ready: compile all: include "ff.asm" ;;; That's all folks!!